(updated June 28, 2021)

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Here’s what the equation looks like for a perfectionist:

  • Set a goal
  • Make a plan
  • Execute plan
  • Go off the plan (in other words – NOT be perfect)
  • Kick yourself, beat yourself up, feel badly
  • Never get back on the plan because you are exhausted from all the emotional beatings (this is the part where you tell yourself you don’t really care – but you do, your just tired

Clearly, this does not and will not work.

Here’s the same equation minus the perfectionism:

  • Set a goal
  • Make a plan
  • Execute plan
  • Go off the plan (in other words – NOT be perfect)
  • Observe, adjust, extend love and patience to yourself
  • Keeping moving forward and reach your goals

Can you see why being a perfectionist does not work?

It’s inevitable that you will at some point go off your plan and being a perfectionist does not leave any room for flexibility.

Remember that plans are ultimately guidelines to help you create a deeper more intimate relationship with you and your body and NOT the end-all-be-all.  We need to maintain flexibility within our plans if we really want to do them for the rest of our lives.

So onward I march with my 2013 goals of being my leanest, strongest, healthiest self continuously reminding myself to check my perfectionist at the door and stay calm, loving, flexible, and patient with myself.

Do you suffer from perfectionism?  And if so what habits/behaviors can you start to practice TODAY to help you reach your fitness and health plans while leaving your perfectionist at the door?

For some more thoughts on this topic, be sure to watch my video HERE.

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About Dani Spies

Dani Spies is the founder and host of Clean & Delicious; a weekly cooking show on YouTube and a healthy eating blog that celebrates real, whole foods! She takes a holistic approach to health and wellness and is loved for her approachable, down to earth style both in and out of the kitchen.

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