Weight Loss Story
How To Lose Weight Without Dieting | 5 Simple Steps As most of you already know, I really struggled with my weight any body image for many years. I would say the thick of it started when I was around 12 or 13 years old and then continued to be a constant struggle...
Weight Loss Story
I would like to tell you about my weight loss journey. A journey that saved my marriage, my relationship with my children and certainly my life. Hopefully, by reading my story, other overweight people will find hope that one day they will be able to pass on a story of...
Weight Loss Story
Growing up I wasn’t a fat kid – I wasn’t a skinny kid, either. However, most of my family was overweight, and had been their entire lives. My mother said it must’ve skipped a generation with me. Then one day, during high school, she met up with me at school, took one...
Weight Loss Story
I don’t know about you, but I have always thought of losing weight as a very hard thing to do. That’s probably because I had never done it before, and I pictured hours and hours at the gym. I worked 80 hours a week, after all, I had no time to lose weight, or so I...